Friday, March 16, 2007

Neo-Nazis and British loyalists in the north of Ireland

Owen Bowcott:

Northern Ireland's first ethnic minority lawmaker has been targeted with racial abuse and threats on a UK-based website and on the internet site YouTube.
Anna Lo was elected last week as an Alliance Party candidate in the multi-member constituency of South Belfast. She is also the first ethnic Chinese politician elected to a legislature anywhere in Europe.

Ms Lo first contacted police in January about comments being posted on a racist, neo-Nazi website called the White Loyalist Guestbook. Most of the users are from Northern Ireland or England.

According to Ms Lo, detectives said they could do little about the material and instead gave her three personal alarms for her safety. "The police haven't done anything about it as far as we can tell," she said yesterday. "Giving the victim an alarm and telling them to step up their security is a bad message for people who experience racism or domestic violence."

In one posting on the website she appears alongside naked oriental girls and is associated with prostitution. The website carries Nazi insignia. One photograph shows a figure in a balaclava giving a Nazi salute in front of a Red Hand of Ulster flag. The YouTube site showed her posters being torn down and mocked her accent. YouTube has now removed the video which was posted on the comedy section of the website.

White Loyalist Racists in Northern Ireland

A good news election story for republicans


At 2:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The stiff-arm salute is more accurately called the American salute. Socialists in the USA originated the Nazi salute, robotic group-chanting to flags, Nazism, flag fetishism, and the modern swastika as "S" symbolism for "Socialism."

Much of that history is the history of the Pledge Of Allegiance. Pledge Of Allegiance photographs expose America’s terrifying past.

Those historical facts explain the enormous size and scope of government today, and the USA's growing police state. They are reasons for massive reductions in government, taxation, spending and socialism.

The "Nazi salute" is more accurately called the "American salute" as it was created and popularized by national socialists in the USA. It was the early salute of the Pledge of Allegiance. The Pledge was written by Francis Bellamy. Francis Bellamy was cousin and cohort of Edward Bellamy. Edward Bellamy and Francis Bellamy were self-proclaimed socialists in the Nationalism movement and they promoted military socialism.

They wanted the government to take over education and use it to spread their worship of government. When the government granted their wish, the government’s schools imposed segregation by law and taught racism as official policy. The official racism and segregation was a bad example three decades before the National Socialist German Workers Party, and decades afterward.

The Pledge was mandated by law in government schools for three decades before, and through, the creation of the National Socialist German Workers' Party.

see photo of Pledge of Allegiance Pledge of Allegiance.

Many people do not know that the term "Nazi" means "National Socialist German Workers' Party." Members of the horrid group did not call themselves Nazis. In that sense, there was no Nazi Party. They also did not call themselves Fascists. They called themselves socialists, just as their name indicates.

The historian Dr. Rex Curry showed that the early Pledge Of Allegiance did not use an ancient Roman salute, and that the 'ancient Roman salute' myth came from the Pledge Of Allegiance." The discoveries have been reviewed and verified on wikipedia

The original pledge was anti libertarian and began with a military salute that then stretched out toward the flag. In actual use, the second part of the gesture was performed with a straight arm and palm down by children casually performing the forced ritual chanting. Due to the way that both gestures were used sequentially in the pledge, the military salute led to the Nazi salute. The Nazi salute is an extended military salute via the USA's Pledge Of Allegiance.

Media coverage about the discoveries continues to grow

Fan mail for work exposing the Pledge’s poisonous pedigree is at

And listen at

The Pledge's early salute caused quite a Fuhrer/furor. The dogma behind the Pledge was the same dogma that led to the socialist Wholecost (of which the Holocaust was a part): 62 million slaughtered under the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; 49 million under the Peoples’ Republic of China; 21 million under the National Socialist German Workers’ Party. It was the worst slaughter of humanity ever.

People were persecuted (beatings, lynchings, etc) for refusing to perform robotic chanting to the national flag at the same time in government schools in the USA and Germany (to the American flag, and to the German swastika flag).

American socialists (Edward Bellamy teamed with the Theosophical Society) also bear some blame for the modern swastika Swastikas became overlapping S-letters for "socialism," all shown in the research of the noted symbologist Dr. Rex Curry. Although the swastika was an ancient symbol, its use was altered to alphabetic symbolism in modern times. As German socialism's notorious flag symbol, the swastika was deliberately turned 45 degrees to the horizontal and always oriented in the S-direction. Similar alphabetic symbolism is still visible as Volkswagen logos.

The bizarre acts in the USA began as early as 1875 and continued through the creation of the National Socialist German Workers' Party (German Nazis or NSGWP). American soldiers used the swastika symbol in WWI (against Germany) and the symbol was used by the American military during WWII.

The NSGWP had clear roots in National Socialism promoted by socialists in the USA. Amazing graphic images that prove the point are at

The USA is still the worst example in the world of bizarre laws that require robotic chanting to a national flag in government schools (socialist schools) every day for 12 years. It has changed generations of Americans from libertarians to authoritarians. The government bamboozled individuals into believing that collective robotic chanting in government schools daily is a beautiful expression of freedom. Frightening photographs are at

At 12:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

for irish nationals to try and equate nazis and british loyalists is laughable. we (the brits) fought the evil nazis in western europe,africa,malta,italy,we also fought the fascist japanese .unlike the south of ireland who done nothing..


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